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vg12. Autumn Quarterly:2015. Production

 Autumn Quarterly:2015. Production

By Kathy Fabian,
C.E.O. and Principal Artist

The first and Foremost goal of all Art Fabian Company work to to achieve financial success.


My writing will focus on Money making projects such as ValGal and my Google Page My Clothes Right Now for Sale.

I will continue my schedule of writing for a different blog each day.  I am trying to keep one month a head for blog posts.  Meanwhile if I find a better place to do something then I will leave the old site intact to leave a virtual footprint.

I will slow down writing actual articles and concentrating on improving the presentation for the blogs. Each blog should have an example of art on it for sale.  I will focus only on stuff I feel that I really want to write about or on money making projects.  I will just polish up stuff that highlights just my creative work.

I have a lot of blog articles now so they are actually not my main priority.  Organizing projects will come up and then I will put the blogging on hold.  If anything, the main thing for the blog remains to get them monetized.  Because I have not made anything to date, they will be mostly used to state my thoughts.  I still remain unable to talk to people so this is my way to express myself.

Studio Work

Creative work and framing will be done on Saturdays standard.  If some stuff is left over I will do it the next week.  And preparatory work is better done the week before.  It all depends on the time I have over the week.

Filming myself is scheduled for Sunday if there is time.  If not then Monday. This is a secondary project.  One of the short term projects is to do a couple of sessions of close-up portraits.

Filming will be inside because of the cold. My projects will be Portraits of everyday Objects and also studies of myself on film and still images.


Filing is very important but I will put it as a secondary project.  As it stands now I am doing so much myself and there is very little time.  Important things will be filed.  I will take advantage of the different clouds to group subjects together.

I will continue to back up everything on an external hard disk.


The large amount of unpublished photographs on Unpaid Objects are all organized into categories.  I am keeping a record of the stuff I have given away to charity for tax purposes.  I am going to publish them (and all my photos from current blogging projects)as fast as possible so that I have a copy of them somewhere far away from me.

 I know that you are supposed to keep the bills but I don't have the ability or the space to do that.  Photographs  record the items and also I can continue to present these objects in an artistic fashion to practice my work as an artist.

It is in the cards to find an art lawyer and one of the first questions to ask is if these records are sufficient to get some money incentives back.   Also, I am keeping a record of the stuff to a worthwhile cause.

The thing that I am thinking about now is that this has been conditioned in my by a hostile entity,  I am talking brainwashing.  This is the only way I can explain how come I have done so much organizing and remain so way below the poverty line.


I will start filming the articles in my closet to sell on my Google+ page: My Clothes right now for Sale.  My wardrobe will be more and more simple so that I can concentrate more on work.  I hope to have not so many articles of clothing for all seasons.  The spring/summer stuff will go into my lockers. I will be buying from thrift shops when possible and then from stores when there is enough money.

The Holiday Seasons

Since I am keeping all my stuff with me in my home, I am in the process of getting rid of a lot of things.  If I find finer things I am going to keep them for the Holiday Seasons.  I will start to publish these on line on the blog .

The making of any new Greeting Cards is on hold until I manage to get the money to have everything that is already done stamped.  there are quite a few letters to the U.S. that still need postage.


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