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V22. the Holiday Season. Furiously

Hello dear Readers,

Coping with Holiday Frenzy

What do you to pamper yourself when the Holiday frenzy starts ?

I went for a long walk to pick up some containers for my external hard drives.  You see I am into organizing and I want to have all my files easily accessible by the time the Holiday season is over.  As luck would have it by the time I was half way back to the metro I felt really tired.  Luckily there was a good restaurant, Nickels right at the corner.  I did the unthinkable.  Instead of getting some nuts and a drink from the grocery store I regaled myself on a French onion soup before I hit the metro.  It tasted so good I didn't even think it was expensive. 

At the holiday season I always get tired in transit so I put away a little extra cash for food. It makes it a lot nicer.

Saturday Studio Work:

Speaking of the Holidays I am doing a lot of celebrating.  This week the Rose Studio is open to Art Fabian Company Patrons and Friends.  It is Gift Atelier Giveaway time.

Actually I had a party Saturday night so Saturday studio work was done of Sunday.

I had been working a ahead of schedule and had the Holiday Gifts all put in nice containers.  After this was done I realised that my guests could not see what the present was inside the box.  So I decided to do some filming of the present next to the box, Then the idea was, that I would put the photograph on the present so that my guests could easily make their choice.

So what to do on Studio work day was a no brainer.  I spent half the time filming the objects and the other half getting them out of the printer.  I don't know how I did it, but by Monday, everything was done. 

Usually I write this blog on Sunday or Monday but because there was a lot of work I am doing it today on Tuesday.  I am happy to report to you that so far my guests seem to be very happy with their presents.

Seasons Greeting Message and Beyond

If you want to get your choice of the brand new Art Fabian Collections of the future send  your own email and I will send you a link to sign up for my eletter.

Meanwhile have a great day and don't forget to have a Holiday toast on Me.

Enjoy yourself.

Principal Artist
Art Fabian Company


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