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V33. The Weekend Devoted to Community Outreach and Birthdays. by Kathy Vivian Fabian

Deciding the Weekend Work Plan.

I had been  devoting Saturdays to the Valuable Gallery and Sundays to the Art Fabian Company Outreach.  The Outreach is a program in which I reach out to important patrons and friends in the community.  They could be local business of note or people on my birthday list.  The plan is that each month ten individuals are chosen and they are given a personally written letter by myself.  This is to establish good relations between myself and my Company and the community around us.

I was surprised to see how late in the month we were when I was deciding what to schedule in for Saturday Gallery work.  I had also had a little trouble meeting the deadline for the January Outreach.  So I decided to start working on the February Outreach in the morning on Saturday.  I would see how far I had gotten and would decide the next move when I broke for lunch.

Figuring out Birthday Text and Blueprints

Its lucky that I did this.  By the time lunch came I had only done one letter.  It had seemed that everything would be done on time.  I had found a very nice blueprint to write the birthday texts and had all of them mapped out the day before.  Much to my dismay, when I opened the letters to print them out, I found that only the blueprint had been registered when I saved the individual letters.  All the text that I wrote had disappeared.

So I spent a large amount of energy trying to figure out how to rectify the situation.  And time.  Finally when I got both the text and the beautiful green backdrop definitely on the machine, and printed them all out, the text was too small and too hard to see.  So I had to go back and find a good solid font to make the writing evident.  Finally I found the font that fit into the format of the letter and then I made it into bold letters.  The final results were attractive not perfect but I had run out of the time I wanted to use, so they went as they were.

All this meant that the letters (which would be sent by regular mail) would not arrive on time for most of the birthdays.  I emailed a quick text message to two of the recipients of which I had contact online.

A Special Birthday Problem

There was another problem and the solution finished up all the studio time of Saturday. So I had to continue onto the Sunday.  One of my friends had just turned ninety years old.  Her birthday card had already been done but I  did not know her age.  I did not feel comfortable sending just a birthday card without noting the special occasion.  So that meant finding a text and a card that would be appropriate and doing the whole thing again.  I found a good ninety year old text online luckily so that did not take so much time.    the problem was that I did not feel comfortable with the font that I used on the other letters.  It was a little small for her or for the person who would read her the letter. I went online to see what I could find.  right away I found a good blueprint of which I could put two good pictures from the times we had celebrated together.   But I came across another obstacle.

I could not find any of the pictures that I had kept throughout the years.  This frustrated me so considerably that I went through all my system of photographs to see if I could find them. And since they were in great disorder, I organized them.  And there the time flew by.

Finally after a lot of work and hours had passed I remembered I had used another text backdrop for the January campaign.  I left the photographs alone and made do with the other blueprint minus any photographs.  To this day  I still cannot find them.  I guess I am going to have to go back in to one of my other hard disks that I backed up stuff with.  


Finally I got five of the ten outreach letters done by the end of the weekend. It is lucky that I started first thing Saturday morning. I also did some work on writing birthday messages for the women in the place I live in.  I have a blueprint of ten different quotes that I will put on visitors cards to give to neighbors who celebrate their birthday.  I also found a great program that lets me customize my address labels so that I can print them out.  That means that next time I write out address labels I can use the printer and not do them by hand.

by Kathy Vivian Fabian

So this past weekend I devoted entirely to work centering around birthdays.  I am writing this letter on Tuesday and by this time I had managed to put in some time to do some work on the Valuable Gallery.  Yesterday I filmed the Rose Studio in Situ and today I did the Corridor Gallery.

Next Saturday will be nearly the end of the month.  I am going to do the same thing that I did this past weekend.  I will start on the Outreach letters Saturday morning and plan the weekend accordingly.  If time permits I will start work a good solid list for printing out all my address labels for all the birthdays at one time.  I fear this will take more than one weekend.


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