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vg40. Regroupement des associations d'artistes en arts visuels du Québec and Info-Entrepreneur.

Hello Helene,

I hope that you are having a good day. I have been working on the idea to draft a letter to the lawyer  asking him for a schedule for the things that would be done as well as a price estimate. As we discussed, I already told my brother I would be searching for a lawyer to deal with my own company. For this reason I thought this would be a good subject to create a letter asking for the money from the family estate.

I spoke to my doctor just now and I was surprised by his negative reaction to the idea.  He said that a lawyer to establish a new firm like mine is not appropriate. For this situation a lawyer is for millionaires. Whether I agree with him or not, I am impressed by the strength of his negative reaction.  

So I said to myself, okay perhaps it is too expensive a proposition.  Perhaps I could start by seeing what information I could get free of charge. After all, I have no buyers yet.  I will contact two organizations: Régroupement des artistes en arts visuels du Québec. ( ) as well as to see what is available. I have already contacted both but did not ask them for information.  It is because of RAAV that I have my firm registered with the city hall.  When you are registered there you have a number and I need that number to join RAAV. At the time the registration fee was $10.00.  This is a sum that I am ready to pay.

As for Info-Entrepreneurs they are located in the World Commerce center of Montreal in Square Victoria.  I have been to their offices quickly.  When I went on line I did not find much information for a company like mine.  But I believe they have a counselling service and a computer department that is available for use.  I will go down again to check things out. 

Bu the way Art Fabian Company is an Art production and retail firm.  I believe the firm is registered under my name which is Kathy Vivian Fabian.  But I have the right to call the company anything I want as long as my last name is part of the company name.  So I decided to call it Compagnie Art Fabian or Art Fabian Company.

As for the doctors opinion, the idea to get a lawyer was his in the first place.  I have spoken to a financial expert in person.  Her name is Marie Forleo :  and she said that she did not make money with her music until she engaged a lawyer.  So at the same time I will contact these organizations I will still ask the lawyers firm for an estimate and a schedule.  I will also ask him what documents are necessary before he begins his work. The more information I can get from them the less work I will have to do.

I am sorry I did not write you sooner but I had a big mailing to do.

K. V. Fabian
Principal Artist
Art Fabian Company


I contacted RAAV first.  Their fee had gone up very much from $10.00 to $100.00. .Also they now ask for a mandatory artists curriculam vitae.  So I remembered there was a school at . The receptionist said before I do anything I have to attend an information session.  the next one is in July.  So I drafted a letter asking for the specific documents that I wanted to have just in case I could get a couple of things done in the meantime. Then I contacted the second group.

Info-Entrepreneur gave me a counsellor right away.  We went through the list of items that I wanted.  First thing I did was a no-brainer.  I asked if they had a ressource on how to create a resumé.  He said no.  Then I asked if they had a list of all the documents needed to start a new company.  He replied all you had to do was register at the city hall.  That is already done.  And perhaps I need a permit to work from home.  Finally when I asked if there is a resource for the contracts artists needed he said they have a law clinic.  the fee was a workable $65.  I asked him to mail the information that he had.  And that i would get back to him if I wanted to book an appointment with the lawyer.  


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