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One great big present

As you see from the title of my Facebook event (facing the Holidays Solo at, I am facing the holidays pretty solo. I have had some people drop by the Rose studio, my living working space. And now I am taking time to tidy up. I bought myself one great big present to put under the tree. It took a lot of courage and thought before I chose it. ANd there it stays on my holiday display waiting for Christmas morning to unwrap.
And I have been raiding the thrift shops for holiday season stuff. It is at this time I find all sorts of great colors and fabrics that I can wear during the year. As an artist color, texture and pattern are very important to me. My funds are meagre so I have to get stuff from vintage sources because the stuff I like, if it was bought new, would, for the most part, be very expensive. thank goodness people don't like to throw out quality merchandise. (I don't). And thank god people like to celebrate with color during the winter holiday season.
This morning I am going to wash all the rest of the vintage stuff and bring it inside my little room. it will make a gay presentation of color and of richness tomorrow morning.


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