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A Thank you from Senegal

Update: 2018-01-13

This is a letter I had that I received from a lady from Sénégal.  She was wearing a very severe habit as befits a very devout nun.  Sometimes the impoverished will wear these clothes.  Sometimes women hide the reason they wear the habit. Suffice it to say, I didn't know anything about her and her ways of thinking., only that she was originally from Senegal.

As is my custom, upon the occasion of some sort, I gave the lady a present.  It was something made of silver, as I recall.

I am very used to people scorning such things from me.  I believe that this stems from the belief that trinkets made of silver or jewelry are useless and even accepting such presents, distracts one from fulfilling really important things: such as building parks and municipal buildings and supporting the high arts and the like.  (Since these people are to be dressed and live a life as austere and impoverished as possible it sometimes occurs to me that they don't have a respect for the impoverished people they so much imitate but anyways..) It usually hurts me deeply and I fear the effect is not just an emotional reaction but this attitude cause people like me a very practical and social damage.

Anyways, this lady's letter is written from the heart and it touched me very deeply.  I felt very happy that someone enjoyed a wealthy present even like the small ones I am able to give. I have to tell you given the severity of this woman's habit, I was even more surprised that she felt that way.  

Anyways at that time, the most important gesture of gratitude was this letter. It might not solve some severe problems that I have but still, I am grateful for it and thank her. One can be thankful for something that touches one's heart.

So dear reader, I send you a transcript of the letter with the text relatively untouched but translated from the original French.

Montreal, August 27, 2017

Dear Kathy Fabian,

Thank you very much for the lovely gift that you made me in all discretion. I'will remember you fondly and pray for you. May God bless you and keep you. May he give a glow on your face and grant you peace. May he bless your work and make you rich.

Thank you for the beauty that you put in the house with your beautiful paintings. I wish you excellent health pure continue to glorify the name of the Lord by works of art. Thank you for your love and kindness. God bless you!

We hope to come again.

Anonymous sister of Senegal

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