The first Art Fabian Like-a-Thon was not a popular success but there was enough interest to inspire us to create a second one. Because we have a lot of friends in the medical profession as well as in sensitive sectors of the not-for-profit we know that there are a fair amount of people following the event anonymously. That's why we will continue to invite the public to it. However the game still remains to get as much publicity as possible for our Art Collections and in thsi way make the Collection a money-making proposition. Right now it is a hobby. SO interspersed with he different cultural articles of the first event it was just natural to keep on putting out some text urging people to join or like the page Patita Patata, we are happy our friends now about us even if they are anonymous but obviously we benefit more from obvious participation. So I am going to include ...
The Ongoing Work on Valuable Gallery.