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Showing posts with the label Art-as-a-Present Collection

The Story behind Art As a Present.

The Art- as a-Present Collection is all about exceptional design. The images in there are chosen for their exceptional beauty. I will tell you the story behind the collection. I always knew the importance of a haircut when growing up. And yet I was surrounded by glamorous people from the hippy movement that never touched their hair. They used to have these long glamorous shining tresses that looked great. So when I arranged an appointment with a very important stylist, I figured out I had to do something special if I wanted a decent cut.  I started researching style in international mags. First I started with Vogue Paris. But  British Vogue was more accepting to the less than sterling of us. It was a question of trial and error. But what I noticed was as the quality of the mag went up so did the beauty of the images. Finally, I started collection the pictures. And this how Art-As-a-Present images started to become a collection. If you have any design images that are w

Birthday Itinerary on the LIke-a-thon

And what am I going to do today? I am glad you asked. First thing I am going to have breakfast at the wonderfully designed new restaurant down the street. I dare not tell you the name because I want to have a place. If I told you well then you might be one of the multitude of fans that take the tables instead of me. So, in to the shower and then I am off to the races. (did you join my event) What? Not yet? Well now's the time.

Like-a-thon 2 in the Planning stages

Art Fabian Company has held the first annual Like-a-Thon to sponsor its Art-as-a-Present Collection.  I suppose dear reader, that you haven't heard about it. Not manypeople did apparently.  There was very little attendance.  Well thats what you expect for the very first attempt. I put some posters up around town and the general critisism is that I didn't give people enough time to really get to the LIke-a-thon. .Even though I did not get much participation from others I personally benefited from it. So much so that I am planning another Like-a-Thon in the last weeks of summertime. I think I will book the spot right now. The goal of the first Like-a-thon was to get 200 likes for  This was to get publicity for the Art as a Present Collection.  We got no where near that so that will be the goal for Like-a-thon 2.