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Showing posts from September, 2016

The Story behind Art As a Present.

The Art- as a-Present Collection is all about exceptional design. The images in there are chosen for their exceptional beauty. I will tell you the story behind the collection. I always knew the importance of a haircut when growing up. And yet I was surrounded by glamorous people from the hippy movement that never touched their hair. They used to have these long glamorous shining tresses that looked great. So when I arranged an appointment with a very important stylist, I figured out I had to do something special if I wanted a decent cut.  I started researching style in international mags. First I started with Vogue Paris. But  British Vogue was more accepting to the less than sterling of us. It was a question of trial and error. But what I noticed was as the quality of the mag went up so did the beauty of the images. Finally, I started collection the pictures. And this how Art-As-a-Present images started to become a collection. If you have any design ima...

Musical Framing. Right or Wrong

The reason I have a musical rotation in the Like-a-thon is to make it easier for the collector to place the Art-as-a-Present Collection in their environment. And music is almost always present in the Art Fabian creative hub: the Rose Studio. But musical tastes vary. For example, there is a strong conflict between those who enjoy popular music and those who insist on classical music. And when you get to talk about international clients the differences in music tastes are even larger. Art-as-a-Present images come from media aimed at populations in countries as different as Italy and India.  So how do I put the Art Fabian Company signature on this particular collection of images with something other than music? Please tell me at

Are we going to make it? Day 3 of Art Fabian Like-a-thon 2

The actual gut level for the Like-a-Thon is to turn the Art as a Present Collection into a money-making proposition. So are we going to make it or fall? If you are interested in seeing if we can achieve our goal check out the action before anyone else, Accept our invitation and join the event now at

From a Hobby into a Job.

The Art-as-a-Present Like-a-thon 2 is right now being handled as a second job position. That means we are working with both limited financial and time constraints .We hope to publish from two to four articles each event day. As well, we are going to respond to as many actions visitors make as possible. So if you are looking to commune with us please like our page or join the event. The page to like is at .

Good Morning People. Like a thon 2

Good Morning People.  Its the very first day of the fabulous one of a kind Art Fabian Like-a-thon! And you are very welcome to participate. We are looking to get as many likes in support of our Art-as-a-Present page at . So baby Like away!  And afterwards........well go check out the next article.

Art Fabian Like-A-Thon: Day 1

Hello, culture fans, I hope your day is going well, . To start the event we have put on our cover photo a work of art from our Art-as-a-Present Collection. The work is in-situ, just as it would be displayed in a trendy new apartment of one of our clients. If you like it please tell us. We invite you to stand up and be counted as a supporter of our collection. Join our event now at and like our page at There are very few joiners now so Art Fabian Company is generously offering those who join now a free portrait.