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Showing posts from August, 2017

Letter to Pinterest: thank you for removing a pin with copyright issues.

2017-08-19 Dear Pinterest, Thank you very much for your discrete letter informing me about you removing a pin due to Copyright issues.  I would rather a pin with copyright issues be removed as quickly as possible so that I will not have to be subjected to the unpleasantness related to being sued for such issues.  Right now, I use only my own images to develop (I am an artist) as well as images free to use, modify and share commercial according to the Bing creative copyright filter.  I also use images under the public domain.  I did not know How to find out about copyright issues before I got to Bing filter so right now I have some images that I developed before in which I do not know how to check this problem out. They are actually in my archives. I must state, for the records, that sometimes I find all this research confusing and I get mixed up and might use the wrong image. Anyways, I am very grateful you removed the offending image  I lost a huge a...

To Kathy Fabian Birthday 2017

To Kathy Fabian Birthday 2017 From Paulette Bourry, Neighbor Chère Kathy Heureux anniversaire! Que cette journée remplis votre cœur de joie…que de vraies amies vous entourent et que vous soyez satisfaite de vous, de vos projets, de vos réalisations.  Merci pour vos beaux cadres sur l’étage du 2ieme. Bonne journée,  Paulette