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Showing posts from December, 2017

Greeting winter on the Company Page

I also winterized the Facebook Art Fabian Company page at .  Actually it's not specifically for winter. The jewel featured in the image is part of my personal collection and was acquired in a little sale put on by the Franciscans. I really liked the work but it focused on religious symbols. I am not into symbols at this time so we had it removed.  I have to admit, it looked better with the symbol but eventually, I hope to replace the little charm with one of my own choosing.

Welcoming winter on Facebook

I have winterized is my personal Facebook page incorporating a jewel from my collection. It's just for the Holiday season. (I don't know how I am ever going to keep up with all my pages and the right season and stuff!). However, I think it's pretty successful. If you enjoy it, please like the image or the page. Go to

A little modern classical

How about a little modern classical. Xmas I mean.

One great big present

As you see from the title of my Facebook event (facing the Holidays Solo at ), I am facing the holidays pretty solo. I have had some people drop by the Rose studio, my living working space. And now I am taking time to tidy up. I bought myself one great big present to put under the tree. It took a lot of courage and thought before I chose it. ANd there it stays on my holiday display waiting for Christmas morning to unwrap. And I have been raiding the thrift shops for holiday season stuff. It is at this time I find all sorts of great colors and fabrics that I can wear during the year. As an artist color, texture and pattern are very important to me. My funds are meagre so I have to get stuff from vintage sources because the stuff I like, if it was bought new, would, for the most part, be very expensive. thank goodness people don't like to throw out quality merchandise. (I don't). And thank god people like to celebrate with ...

Introducing the Fabian Studio Winter LIneup

It's not only the holiday season it's the beginning of winter as well. I am now in the process of updating my social networks site to make them appropriate for the season. I invite you to check out my site on Pinterest. There are a few posters for you to download and hang up in your living space to celebrate the season. They feature jewels from my collection. I use jewels as a symbol of ambition, hope and of course, affluence. Check it out.

Christmas Music 24/7

Note: I don<t know if this video will be on 24/7 after the season but I will keep the article so you can get a general idea of the mood in the Rose Studio at this time. I listening to the CBC classical music station and the sound is really quite beautiful early in the morning. But later I will be going to Facebook and Youtube to find music. I prefer videos to playlists. Sometimes I like stories but sometimes I enjoy a roaring fire like the one I attached. It goes 24/7. which means I always have it greeting me when I return to my solitary room.

Music and the Lady Upstairs

I don't know what it is about Christmas but to me, one of the most important things about is the high quality of the music. Right now on the radio, you can find all kinds of soulful moving melodies. It's early in the morning in the residence and usually, I don't have the music on. And if I do I put on the headphones. But I have a rather unruly neighbour with a noise problem and I have been advised when she starts to bother me, put on the music. It's actually a funny feeling because until now I have been firmly told to stop making noise. However, my neighbour has had free rein for years. So picture this. It's in the middle of the night and it's black outside. All of a sudden the lady starts to do her take on wailing and I fumble for the clicker to turn on the radio. In the black of night strands of classic music surround me. And the lady's noise is not so important. Now I have had many people complaining about music and noise. So despite the...

The influence of Children

As I look at the songs in the two posts before I realize that children have a lot to do with the theme. Yes, I was working with children a long time ago.  Let's tip a hat to those who deal with children both administrators and parents. It's not easy to keep yourself and kids alive and happy. (and yourself). I, however, am pretty child-free at this moment and prefer it that way. The reason this came to mind is that right away when you create an event they ask it its child-friendly. Hmm. Maybe not. I don"t know. Actually, its best to watch out since I don't know what is going to happen when I start to philosophize and go on my musical journey.

We don't need another hero

So I am pretty much alone and hitting the end of middle age. It's not the most idealist time. SO I am not much for sci-fi movies of this kind but the music hits the spot. It hit it when I heard it years ago and it still holds an important place in my heart. Here, listen to Tina Turner and We don't need another hero.

The greatest love of all.

Note: I am now in the process of a Facebook event and I thought that the best way I can refer back to it is to incorporate it into this blog.  Besides, some people might be interested to refer to it as well. (either as it is going or later. So for the next little while, I will be posting the articles, pretty the same way they are on the event on this blog. The Facebook event is called "Facing the Season Solo" and it will go on from now until the begiining of January.  You are welcome to join it at Good morning to all. I hope you are having a good one. It's really early here in Montreal. I have been preparing for the holiday season and just crashed out after supper last night. I woke up pretty early today and started this event.  This year, I am facing the holiday season pretty solo. No family. No close friends.  Yesterday I found myself pretty lost and then I thought, well there's ...