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V25. Winter Quarterly report. Work Report

December 25, 2015

Concentrating on Organizing

Since we are experiencing a downturn for the company in regards to profits it might be a good time to organize.  I am taking inspiration from the city. Since Montreal has less people coming in since business is quiet the city is taking advantage to do much needed repairs.  And so Art Fabian Company is going through major improvements in the filing system.  There will be the ongoing work online but also we have new files and the whole paper system is being redone.

The company policy of depapering continues as it has been proceeding in the autumn quarterly. We are keeping only Art produced by Art Company itself.  All of the other Art Fabian Collections are going.

It is with much regret we have had to get rid of some excellent work by other artists.  Luckily we have been scanning the work so we have an online record of the work.  We are in the process of finding out which system works best with regards to scanning.

Art a la Carte:

For now, I think I am going to put most of the paper art work on hold.  I have made a fair amount of original Art on a Card.  These cards are for the most part made of some of other artists work.  I have put them to use since they are so beautiful.  When they are folded or cut into card side then they still have a use. .

So now I will concentrate on sending individually addressed letters to Company Patrons and Friends as part of an Outreach program in the community.  They will be given to important others of the company.  That way the company can take advantage of other peoples talents without having too much paper.

We have, in past years, started the Holiday Season preparations as soon as the New Year began. Because we are not getting good results we are going to start streamlining the Holiday Seasons campaign for the next year.

The Online Filing Strategy

We are doing a lot of scanning and photographing old photos and art work.

The basic plan is to file unpublished work under blog title instead of their actual name.  For example, instead of filing a photograph of someone's living room in "Habitations" we will file it under "the Working City" which is the name of one of our blogs.

When the item is published then the item will  go into the Archives. and the Archives will hold a file of "Habitations".  This is the way we can declutter online.

Publishing Strategy

For now, we will continue to publish one article a week for each blog we have.  This is to attract a good solid audience.  And also to attribute the importance that each article merits.  Mostly these articles will centre around an Art Fabian Art Work.  We have several kinds of art: collages, photographs and pen and ink drawings to say a few.

Each blog article will be devoted to one work of art.  We will stop publishing groups of art for now.  We might consider, when enough artwork is published to create a slideshow of these works on Youtube.  But right now we will get them online and blogged.

Mostly we are blogging to organize.  First of all the blog will have the image online for us.  So if there is a disaster in the studio then at least the work will be preserved. Second of all, we are going to concentrate more and more on giving each blog a specific personality.

For example the  Wealthy Art blog will concentrate on portraits of people.  the Art for Millionaires  blogs will be mostly about cityscapes and architecture.


We are going to be following our own blogs on Wordpress for the moment.  the reader gives a good summary of the articles of note and that way we will be able to work with streamlining them.  Lots of the articles were written in the depth of a sleepless night so  some of the writing is not up to parr.


We are going to keep on working on five our blogs just like in the Autumn quarterly.  Because we are experiencing a downside in regards to profit, it would not be realistic to just concentrate on the blogs that make the most money.  We are not selling much.

We are going to emphasize original artwork by Kathy Vivian Fabian on two blogs.  There will be landscapes on Art for Millionaires One.  And there will be portraits on Wealthy Art.  These will be photographs of pen and ink drawings mostly with some pencil drawings and watercolors thrown in for good measure.

But we are also going to concentrate on the most popular blogs as well.  So we will be continuing work on Treasure Gallery with works from the ongoing Val Gal exhibits.  And we will be putting a complete tape of the exhibition pictures on each Art for Millionaire Blog article.  (Note: Art for Millionaires One is on  Art For Millionaires is on Blogger).The company jewel collection is still growing so we will continue the Jewels by Art Fabian Blog again (it was dormant for a while).  And finally we are going to streamline the many photographs on Chandeliers by Art Fabian as that is also one of the most popular blogs.

As for the work strategy we are going to schedule fifty two blog articles max for each blog.   Once one blog has reached its limit then we will continue with the others.


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