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V36. Planning the Outreach to Company Patrons and Friends?

I continue my new project called Art as a Present.  First of all I have started a facebook page for this purpose (go to  I will be mailing Art Fabian Company Patrons and Friends  presents from a Company collection.  Maybe it will be an original artwork on a card through the regular mail.  Or perhaps a four by six inch photograph from the Valuable Gallery collection.  Some people will get an online work update from  the company that will feature a private selection of prints chosen for that month.

It is not the most pleasant feeling to give out artwork but since I am not selling at least the works will circulate  instead of staying hidden.  Perhaps this feeling of unpleasantness is for the better.  I have all the documents from my parents estate comfortably installed in the Rose Studio. So there is really no reason to mail valuable works of art for no cost at all. (as a matter of fact I pay for the postage). This gives me an opportunity to think of saving postage and focus on online mailing.  

I am surrounded by people who have no computer. Fair enough. Since I have no personal friends, I do not think many hearts will be broken if I do not mail them a gift from time to time.

It is clear that people who have a computer are more affluent than those without one.  And yet I live in close quarters with some rather sensitive neighbors. So it might be wise to divide my energy between establishing good relations with my neighbors (mostly offline) and finding new connections in the business and organizational world (online).

 As to what kind of companies and organizations, I can look to my diagram of a sales funnel. This shows the stores that I buy from and the organizations that I sell to (or in my case, which I would like to give an artwork to). Another source of new connections are causes that I find interesting or useful. Also, I can use the banks of contacts I have on Linkedin and Facebook. Perhaps it is good to focus on Linked in since these are business connections.

It is relatively easy to amass a list of the people who are my neighbors.  But the year is a long one and I see them often. So I do not feel comfortable just contacting them personally once a year.  And yet making handmade cards takes a long time.  Also it has been years I have been doing this and I still have not solved my situation of poverty.  

I started with the idea of doing ten contacts a month.  That means one hundred and twenty cards a year.  Divide them in half: sixty real cards to the local community and sixty online presents to important online connections. This is not a very large number of cards and it gets smaller if i contact neighbors for, say their birthday and the Holiday Season. 

I think the way to go is to get the numbers of cards up and the time spent on individual mailing down.  So for real cards I would send to the whole residence instead of individual neighbors.  And online, I could do, lets say monthly group mailings. 


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