Big Changes with the Art Fabian Gallery. Because a magnificent new yellow coat of paint has dramatically changed the Valuable Gallery a change of name has become appropriate. Henceforth instead of calling the outer gallery the Blue Corridor Gallery we will be referring to it as the Sunny Gallery.
We started putting up our exhibits ad hoc. Since we are functioning solely we have had very little expertise as to how to choose images from the web so as not to hassle with copyright issues. It has taken a fair amount of time to find the filter application int the site. Finally, we have found a site that filters out problems with the copyright. If we choose our images within the public domain we are free to share, use commercially and modify these images. And the creative commons filter has a section in which the artist permits us to do all three. Pinterest has more images than just Bing but it is too much work to go to each and every site after we choose the image to check out the copyright.
All to say, despite our decision to have one permanent display to show our work in the Blue Corridor Gallery, we are going to add some new images at the beginning of our summer. This will definitely have no copyright issues (according to the Bing filter).
In keeping with the Art Fabian studio policy of responsibility to both our clients and our creators, we will continue exhibiting our images in the 4 x 6-inch format. These images are full-sized and are also easy to store away after they are taken down from the living space. They are also easy to distribute either internationally or nationally through regular postage size. The small size makes it easier for the collector to keep a larger selection of these photographs on hand so that they can be changed when desired. That means that the owner might find less of a barrier in regards to acquiring new works. He/she might be more easily convinced to start a collection of Art Fabian 4 x 6-inch photos.
Big Changes with the Art Fabian Gallery. Because a magnificent new yellow coat of paint has dramatically changed the Valuable Gallery a change of name has become appropriate. Henceforth instead of calling the outer gallery the Blue Corridor Gallery we will be referring to it as the Sunny Gallery.
We started putting up our exhibits ad hoc. Since we are functioning solely we have had very little expertise as to how to choose images from the web so as not to hassle with copyright issues. It has taken a fair amount of time to find the filter application int the site. Finally, we have found a site that filters out problems with the copyright. If we choose our images within the public domain we are free to share, use commercially and modify these images. And the creative commons filter has a section in which the artist permits us to do all three. Pinterest has more images than just Bing but it is too much work to go to each and every site after we choose the image to check out the copyright.
All to say, despite our decision to have one permanent display to show our work in the Blue Corridor Gallery, we are going to add some new images at the beginning of our summer. This will definitely have no copyright issues (according to the Bing filter).
In keeping with the Art Fabian studio policy of responsibility to both our clients and our creators, we will continue exhibiting our images in the 4 x 6-inch format. These images are full-sized and are also easy to store away after they are taken down from the living space. They are also easy to distribute either internationally or nationally through regular postage size. The small size makes it easier for the collector to keep a larger selection of these photographs on hand so that they can be changed when desired. That means that the owner might find less of a barrier in regards to acquiring new works. He/she might be more easily convinced to start a collection of Art Fabian 4 x 6-inch photos.
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