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Showing posts from October, 2015

VG14. Beautiful Charting by Kathy Fabian

Hello Dear Readers, This Saturday I decided to do charting.  I had been contacting the support team at Google for a problem about my balance.  I wanted to use my balance on Google Play to pay for a membership with Gliffy flow charts or Mindmeister Mind Maps.  It turned out you need to pay for Gliffy only with a credit card.  And Mindmaster could be bought with the Google Chrome store.  The Google Play store was a different kettle of fish.  I had put on $100.00 on Google play and I could not transfer it in any way to use for either of these mapping programs. I must have been on the phone for five hours trying to figure out how to pay with the Google Play points.  One hundred dollars is a lot of money and I had it budgeted for the mind mapping.  I did not want to buy anything else, no matter how seductive.  Anyways finally I realized they have a  whole lot of gift cards you can buy with the points so the money will be used and on budge...

vg13. Working the Tech Aspect, One Montage Finished Fast and the Other took Longer

I got up good and early this Saturday to do the studio work.  My mind was clear and I was ready to roll.  I had been having trouble with buying a new program for charting on Google Play.  Since Google support was busy for a while I figured calling on Saturday might get me someone to speak to.  I mean there are only technicians and fools working on Saturday morning nine o'clock.  Once that was done, I would really go for some devastating beautiful photo-montages. So I got the technical support on line.  And then I was transferred to someone else.  And then they had to check out the protocol.  And by the time the whole thing was solved the morning was gone.  Well, it wasn't solved but I would speak to the tech next week (it was the weekend).  So the morning flew by and I had some errands to do and by the time I got to do some studio work it was night time. Actually that in itself wasn't bad.  Saturday night is a magic night and I ...

vg12. Autumn Quarterly:2015. Production

 Autumn Quarterly:2015. Production By Kathy Fabian, C.E.O. and Principal Artist The first and Foremost goal of all Art Fabian Company work to to achieve financial success. Blogging My writing will focus on Money making projects such as ValGal and my Google Page My Clothes Right Now for Sale. I will continue my schedule of writing for a different blog each day.  I am trying to keep one month a head for blog posts.  Meanwhile if I find a better place to do something then I will leave the old site intact to leave a virtual footprint. I will slow down writing actual articles and concentrating on improving the presentation for the blogs. Each blog should have an example of art on it for sale.  I will focus only on stuff I feel that I really want to write about or on money making projects.  I will just polish up stuff that highlights just my creative work. I have a lot of blog articles now so they are actually not my main priority.  Organizing pro...

vg11. Dancer Outside My House and Yoga in the Park: Two Saturday Studio Works

Hello Dear Readers, A Little Background about Me: I was part of the New Renaissance.   In the historical Renaissance period world travel was considered part of any elegant young gentleman's education.  A couple of years ago I encountered a subculture of men and women dressed in clothes that would make them fit in from work to a party and the night life beyond.  The clothes also were international.  You could wear them in any culture.  As luck would have it, I sometimes accompanied these men and women in their world travels and got to experience the culture of many lands. Thus I am influenced by many cultures when I create my art.  Right now I have some Ambient music on and am watching a tropical underwater scene.  Saturday it was Indian spiritual music.   Studio Work on Saturday. The more public Corridor Gallery was finished.  This year the proper nameplates and my business card were all in the right place.  So I took a b...

v10 Happy Thanksgiving, Construction sites, Autumn Days and Muses. By Kathy Fabian

Happy Thanksgiving to All! I hope you enjoyed your day and will look forward to many things to give thanks for until the next Thanksgiving. Get the exquisite image on this blog post.  Custom Made!   You Deserve the Luxury. And you support the Artist. Write   for inquiries.    The leaves are brightly colored outside.  And the days sunny. So I went into my archives to find some images with splendid autumn foliage.  Saturday I reserved for studio work .  I had been tidying up my collection of muses and had a few lovely ladies ready to star in my photographic extravaganzas.  The final element was the inclusion of the very expensive, very evident presence of construction in the neighborhood. I had a lot of autumn pictures but I wanted to showcase technology and machines.  As luck would have it we were having some road repair done right outside our house.  And voila I had the tree el...

vg9. Adjusting the Exhibition Schedule. Second Week.

So the first week of setting up the exhibition did not make the deadline.   It was supposed to be all done on Saturday and I was putting the finishing touches to the frame on the Friday afterwards.  Obviously I had bitten off more than I could chew. They say if your task takes too much time then divide your task into smaller tasks. Val Gal exhibitions are actually two in one.  There is the real world exhibition that takes place on the Second floor of our residence.  This is not open to the public. But I hope to gain fame and resources from the Second Exhibition of Val Gal.  I regularly record the Exhibitions on line.  is a blog that gives you a selection of slideshows of the various exhibitions that happened in Val Gal.  will spotlight different works in the Art Fabian co. Collections. It is with these blogsites that I hope to gain  public attention and much needed support and advic...