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vg11. Dancer Outside My House and Yoga in the Park: Two Saturday Studio Works

Hello Dear Readers,

A Little Background about Me:

I was part of the New Renaissance.   In the historical Renaissance period world travel was considered part of any elegant young gentleman's education.  A couple of years ago I encountered a subculture of men and women dressed in clothes that would make them fit in from work to a party and the night life beyond.  The clothes also were international.  You could wear them in any culture.  As luck would have it, I sometimes accompanied these men and women in their world travels and got to experience the culture of many lands. Thus I am influenced by many cultures when I create my art.  Right now I have some Ambient music on and am watching a tropical underwater scene.  Saturday it was Indian spiritual music.  

Studio Work on Saturday.

The more public Corridor Gallery was finished.  This year the proper nameplates and my business card were all in the right place.  So I took a break from properly mounting the Rose Studio Gallery.  I dedicated This Saturday to new creative work.

Description of the Art Work

In one image I have a magic creature dancing right outside my house.  I could almost see her if I looked outside the window.   For the other image, I had a muse doing yoga in a neighborhood park.  The first image I used one of someone else's photos. The second one had my photo as a backdrop.
They both are part of the current exhibit dealing with autumn and the preparation of man and nature for the cold winter months.

The Problem of Free form Shapes

I decided to tackle photo montage. I had the program in Windows but I cannot cut freeform shapes.  I can cut them but when I transfer them on the background there is always a rectangular shape so if I did not fill the rectangle with the cut out, the space is completely white.  This means I have to fill it in bit by bit with the background.  I find this long and tiresome. I have another program called NCH or something like that.  I am going to try that. Afterwards, maybe Movie Maker will help me.

Despite the glitches, I made some pretty decent photo-montages.  I kept the motif of Vision boards that are supposed to grant your wishes.  But instead of placing them in a fantastic urban landscape I had mystical creatures appear right in the neighborhood.  Its still something I wish would happen but more real world.  

If you know of a free programs that I can get just the free form shape or if you know how to do it in Word please write me at

Are you interested in art-collecting? 
Send me your email address and I will send you a photo-present. 
  I look forward to a rewarding association with you. 
Principal Artist 
Art Fabian Company 


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