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vg7. Sunday. Filming in the Park

Saturday I spent my studio time filming the exhibition pieces for the new Autumn Leaves: New City 15 exhibition.  It was actually supposed to take place opening day but the camera broke so I postponed it for this week.  Saturday I just filmed the pieces because I thought I would leave the publicity stills for the Sunday.  that would give me the time to check out all the adjustments that I would need to make when I posed for the camera.

As luck would have it, however, we were having some really good filming weather.  And the last day that would be clear would be Sunday.  So I figured I would take advantage and film outside.  I wanted some poses of myself in the newly redone Lahaie park right next to our residence. I would postpone the pictures of myself with the art work for the following week.

I waited for the best light of the day which I understood was two hours after sunrise or, more appropriately for my habits, two hours before sunset.  around four thirty in the afternoon I set out for the park.

Before I left I made sure to put on some makeup.  I didn't have the energy for the foundation but I had some eyeshadow and mascara and as usual, about three layers of killer lipstick.  As I think of it now perhaps emphasizing the lipstick might not be a great idea.  I have almost no lips.  I don't why I have been emphasizing something I don't have.  perhaps its because I don't like it.  Anyways I do know lipstick makes the pictures look better.

I packed a pair of flats in my napsack in case the shoes I wore would bother me and wore my high heeled boots.  I had on me a pair of grey-green khaki faux ski pants and a great metropolis t-shirt in greys and blacks.  (It has a picture of a high rise city I believe somewhere in the future).  My jewels consisted of a pretty decent sapphire diamond choker and a boss exaggerated pink stone set in silver.  Also a pair of silver studded bow-shape earring.  On the way out I threw in all the makeup into the back pack plus a loose powder for shine.  My regular purse also went into the backpack so that I could concentrate on carefully handling the new tripod and the Nikon camera.  The jewels didn't really match but then a little New Wave rage would be fine.  Not too much.  Just a touch.

Hair is really short but I made sure to put in a fair amount of styling mousse to emphasize the bangs.  I put on my signature burgundy faux leather aviator jacket. And off I went.

From a distance the park looked like it was all dark but the Nikon is a professional camera and I thought the pictures would come clear enough to work out the problems on computer.  There was the lady who did Tarot cards all set up in her regular place. And right next to her was a free picnic table.
Next to the table was one of the giant sculptures in the park.  Half of it was in light. Half of it was in dark.  the sun was also in that direction but I had a setting for that on the Nikon.  Up went the tripod.  I put on the ten second timer.  And charged to the sculpture several times for a pose.  I had to guess a lot because I couldn't see very much of my facial expression on the camera when I checked to refine the shoots.  All I know is that I am having trouble setting my expression in a elegant smile and I also have time to even begin to know how to arrange the body posture.  Lets hope for the best when I get the photographs on the computer screen.

I did another picnic table to get pictures of me next to a flower garden in the middle of the walking paths. It was not a perfect situation in the park as some of the grass was corded up to be sprayed. Finally I set up on one of the park benches next to the fountain to get a picture of me in an arched doorway next to a huge pot of flowers. I was getting tired and it was getting near supper time so I called it a day.

Just before I stopped  I did manage to see a little more of my facial expression.  It looked rather grim: no smile.  I hope its just that one shot.  I am supposed to be giving a Mona Lisa smile  but maybe I will have to do more shots.  the last few shots I really gave a bigger grin.


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