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e44 reverted 14 to draft

I make it a point to dedicate only 30 minutes to publishing the articles on the Wealth and Talent event.  But it takes a really long time to open the page and save things.  I want to keep the spontaneity of my thoughts for the event so I didn't want to do the final publishing before. To cut the waiting time, even more, I  reverted fourteen articles to draft before the event.  These are a little more than I will actually publish up on the blog but there are some articles that won't be suitable for the storyline.  And there will be a never-seen-before part of the Wealth and Beauty Saga on each of these images.  If you believe in wealth than show it in your living space. Buy an exquisite chandelier print . Purchase at   

E43. deadline of 30 minutes

Stand by the riches in your life. Decorate your living space with an Art Fabian Company image During the event, I have a deadline of 30 minutes to work on each day. One of the problems with this is that it takes and million years to open on up each site for the blog posts. Also, there is no way I could compose a good solid blog post in 30 minutes flat.  So I pre-write a first draft of the blog posts.  I will still work 30 minutes on the event each day. However, much of the work will have been done before. When the event actually starts the public will get to see a slice of the action, not everything from tip to stern. This makes more practical sense. Support our work and click on Like.  You  Might win   And please don't forget to support our work and purchase an exquisite chandelier print. Inquiries welcome at    You might just be a lucky winner of one of our giveaway prizes...

E41. The Wealth and Beauty Facebook Event starts on Small Business Saturday

In order to publicize their, Collections Art Fabian Company (owner of the Valuable Gallery) is Going PUBLIC. . The latest, greatest, Art Fabian Facebook event starts on Small Business Saturday (November 26) 2016. Go behind-the-scenes to watch them weave a compelling blog storyline into a blog of stunning chandelier images.  And we are going to record the action here on the Val Gal blog since one of our collections is right in the Gallery. The events in totality will take place on Facebook at and they will be published here the next day. Support and Click   Did you like this post?  Then support Small Businesses like The Art Fabian Company and purchase an exquisite chandelier print   Inquiries welcome at  I

The Story behind Art As a Present.

The Art- as a-Present Collection is all about exceptional design. The images in there are chosen for their exceptional beauty. I will tell you the story behind the collection. I always knew the importance of a haircut when growing up. And yet I was surrounded by glamorous people from the hippy movement that never touched their hair. They used to have these long glamorous shining tresses that looked great. So when I arranged an appointment with a very important stylist, I figured out I had to do something special if I wanted a decent cut.  I started researching style in international mags. First I started with Vogue Paris. But  British Vogue was more accepting to the less than sterling of us. It was a question of trial and error. But what I noticed was as the quality of the mag went up so did the beauty of the images. Finally, I started collection the pictures. And this how Art-As-a-Present images started to become a collection. If you have any design ima...

Musical Framing. Right or Wrong

The reason I have a musical rotation in the Like-a-thon is to make it easier for the collector to place the Art-as-a-Present Collection in their environment. And music is almost always present in the Art Fabian creative hub: the Rose Studio. But musical tastes vary. For example, there is a strong conflict between those who enjoy popular music and those who insist on classical music. And when you get to talk about international clients the differences in music tastes are even larger. Art-as-a-Present images come from media aimed at populations in countries as different as Italy and India.  So how do I put the Art Fabian Company signature on this particular collection of images with something other than music? Please tell me at

Are we going to make it? Day 3 of Art Fabian Like-a-thon 2

The actual gut level for the Like-a-Thon is to turn the Art as a Present Collection into a money-making proposition. So are we going to make it or fall? If you are interested in seeing if we can achieve our goal check out the action before anyone else, Accept our invitation and join the event now at

From a Hobby into a Job.

The Art-as-a-Present Like-a-thon 2 is right now being handled as a second job position. That means we are working with both limited financial and time constraints .We hope to publish from two to four articles each event day. As well, we are going to respond to as many actions visitors make as possible. So if you are looking to commune with us please like our page or join the event. The page to like is at .

Good Morning People. Like a thon 2

Good Morning People.  Its the very first day of the fabulous one of a kind Art Fabian Like-a-thon! And you are very welcome to participate. We are looking to get as many likes in support of our Art-as-a-Present page at . So baby Like away!  And afterwards........well go check out the next article.

Art Fabian Like-A-Thon: Day 1

Hello, culture fans, I hope your day is going well, . To start the event we have put on our cover photo a work of art from our Art-as-a-Present Collection. The work is in-situ, just as it would be displayed in a trendy new apartment of one of our clients. If you like it please tell us. We invite you to stand up and be counted as a supporter of our collection. Join our event now at and like our page at There are very few joiners now so Art Fabian Company is generously offering those who join now a free portrait.

Prompts for Like a thon 1.

The first Art Fabian Like-a-Thon was not a popular success but there was enough interest to inspire us to create a second one.  Because we have a lot of friends in the medical profession as well as in sensitive sectors of the not-for-profit we know that there are a fair amount of people following the event anonymously.  That's why we will continue to invite the public to it.   However the game still remains to get as much publicity as possible for our Art Collections and in thsi way make the Collection a money-making proposition.  Right now it is a hobby.  SO interspersed with he different cultural articles of the first event it was just natural to keep on putting out some text urging people to join or like the page  Patita Patata, we are happy our friends now about us even if they are anonymous but obviously we benefit more from obvious participation.  So I  am going to include ...

Birthday Message by Art Fabian Principal artist

Thanks for the birthday wishes you have already wished me happy birthday. Here is another famous image from the Art-as-a-Present Collection. A word or note. Although they look like regular magazine pictures they are actually not always that. Sometimes I went all over the city looking for European magazines. I saw a lot of Australian ones actually. But I was mostly interested in England and France. It is the final day of the LIkea-thon and MY actual birthday. If you have sent me birthday wishes please say hi and join the event. DOn't just click interessed. You have to join. Because you are my friend. Because you wished me Happy Birthday.

Birthday Itinerary on the LIke-a-thon

And what am I going to do today? I am glad you asked. First thing I am going to have breakfast at the wonderfully designed new restaurant down the street. I dare not tell you the name because I want to have a place. If I told you well then you might be one of the multitude of fans that take the tables instead of me. So, in to the shower and then I am off to the races. (did you join my event) What? Not yet? Well now's the time.

Like-a-thon 2 in the Planning stages

Art Fabian Company has held the first annual Like-a-Thon to sponsor its Art-as-a-Present Collection.  I suppose dear reader, that you haven't heard about it. Not manypeople did apparently.  There was very little attendance.  Well thats what you expect for the very first attempt. I put some posters up around town and the general critisism is that I didn't give people enough time to really get to the LIke-a-thon. .Even though I did not get much participation from others I personally benefited from it. So much so that I am planning another Like-a-Thon in the last weeks of summertime. I think I will book the spot right now. The goal of the first Like-a-thon was to get 200 likes for  This was to get publicity for the Art as a Present Collection.  We got no where near that so that will be the goal for Like-a-thon 2.

vg46 Production Notes: summer 2016

As for more long term production goals I will be going for a plan of maintenance rather than growth. In others words I will concentrating on the certification of my already existing body of work (this is instead of concentrating on creating new work).    I have found a program to watermark my work rather easily.  My machine saves the document with a really long number. It seems to be a registration number which means that the work would be documented with this company, it is a Windows app and that is all I know about it.  So I don’t know what I should do. If I should maintain a file with the registration number or not. Meanwhile I can use the program rather easily to identify my work.  This brings me to another issue. Should I use my name or an email? I have to think about it.  Making a watermark the same as I am familiar with is something that to have to think of as well. To me a watermark is very transparent and actually takes up all the space of...

vg45. Financial Plan. Summer 2015

Financial Plan The financial situation still remains pretty much the same. So far no sales. Possible directions I will going in the foreseeable future involve the payment of small fees.  I have been checking out the art resources available to see what to do to upgrade the situation.  RAAV.Org REGROUPEMENT DES ARTISTES EN ARTS VISUELS DU QUEBEC has increased their membership fee to $120.00. InfoEntrerpreneurs said that they have a legal clinic but there is a fee of $65.00 an hour.  I have also contacted Yes (Montreal Youth employment Services). They have services available for entrepreneurs and artists of all ages but I must attend a workshop first.  Then I can access their legal and counselling clinics if I pay a onetime fee of $30.00.  Finally I noticed that I have a pretty thorough online backup of my photographs with Sony PlayStation but the line that says the name of the photographer is always left blank.  So I will be checking out how muc...

vg44. The Artists myth of being defended in a poor community

If  the quality of my artwork is established how do I defend myself and the fruit of my labor?  Artists create luxury goods.  These are goods that are to be marketed for exceptional places.  So they have exceptional demands on things like living arrangements.  They need large enough spaces or comfortable enough spaces to practice there are at all. For example in simple places, art for art’s sake is frowned upon and so is any artist who is just an artist.  Creating art which is just beautiful and does not help the day to day living is frowned upon. Artists in poor communities like myself are expected to find extra means to physically defend themselves.  For example I lived in a troubled, inner city neighborhood so that I could be close to the many cultural activities of downtown Montreal.  My house was poor and for most of the time there was a relatively adequate system of defense.  But the minute the presence of affluent competitors...

vg44. The myth of the Avant-Garde.

One of the issues that concern me at this time has to do about the time that my art begins to attract a good amount of attention and fetches a good price. Lets call it:  The Myth of the Avant Grade The point of Discovery An artist must create a body of work in order to be called an artist.  Thus a considerable amount of work exists before someone’s work is discovered to be valuable...  So the worth of a work of art, say a painting can change in an instant. One second the painting is worth nothing since the talented artist has yet to be discovered. It is the point of discovery that will change this undiscovered worthless body of work into something of value.   The Danger that comes with the point of discovery This presents a danger to the artist in a poor place and to the evaluators of his/her work. The art has barely been discovered and has not yet left the community hub.   A poor community is obscure so very few people know about it yet (even th...

vg43 : people buy benefits Not features

Always remember that people buy benefits, not features. People do not buy shampoo; people buy great- looking or clean or manageable hair. People do not buy cars; people buy speed, status, style, economy, performance, and power. Mothers of young kids do not buy cereal; they buy nutrition, though many will buy anything that they can get their kids to eat.  Quote from Guerrila Marketing

vg42. sample creative strategy for marketing: On Cereal

If you think that there's a simple formula for establishing such a strategy, you're absolutely right. Here m the simplest terms possible, is a typical three-sentence guerrilla creative strategy covermg the purpose of the creative message, the benefits to be stressed to accomplish the purpose, and the personality of the brand. The purpose of Kid-a-Llcious breakfast cereal marketing will be to convmce our target audience— mothers of children twelve years of age and younger that Kid-a-Liclous breakfast cereal is the most nutritious and healthful boxed cereal on the market. This will be accomplished by listmg the vitamins and minerals m each serving of the cereal. The mood and tone of the advertismg will be upbeat, natural, honest, and warm _ 

vg41. Needed by Artist: Artists curriculam vitae, list of start up documents and examples of art contracts.

                I might have an organization that will sponsor my work.  I have been told to contact a firm for a price list and schedule.  The first thing I thought of was a law firm to take care of all the paper work that is needed to start a business.  I have found that the circle of people around me have an averse reaction to this.  One comment was that a team of lawyers to start a company is for multi-million dollar firms. I have yet to sell anything.  So I have been going through my contact list to see what I can do by myself before I get to a law firm that specializes in paperwork for beginning companies.  here is the letter I drafted to start with. Good day, My name is Kathy Vivian Fabian. I am a self-employed artist with my own art studio and marketing firm. It is called Art Fabian Company. I am very much interested in the very good work that you do. ...

vg40. Regroupement des associations d'artistes en arts visuels du Québec and Info-Entrepreneur.

2016-06-23 Hello Helene, I hope that you are having a good day. I have been working on the idea to draft a letter to the lawyer  asking him for a schedule for the things that would be done as well as a price estimate. As we discussed, I already told my brother I would be searching for a lawyer to deal with my own company. For this reason I thought this would be a good subject to create a letter asking for the money from the family estate. I spoke to my doctor just now and I was surprised by his negative reaction to the idea.  He said that a lawyer to establish a new firm like mine is not appropriate. For this situation a lawyer is for millionaires. Whether I agree with him or not, I am impressed by the strength of his negative reaction.   So I said to myself, okay perhaps it is too expensive a proposition.  Perhaps I could start by seeing what information I could get free of charge. After all, I have no buyers yet.  I will contact two organ...

vg39. Creative Strategy for a newspaper Advertiser: Clearosil Perfecto Wash

The book I am reading says to practice making a creative  marketing strategy by using other products. this one is an online newspaper ad.  here goes: The purpose of Clearosil Perfecto wash advertising is to show that the user of this soap will have clear skin no matter what kind of food she eats.  So she can go out with all sorts of great looking people and eat fabulous junk food. This will be accomplished by first of all using very beautiful model in attractive surroundings and making it look very easy and practical to just use the soap and get rid of all potential problems.  The product's convenient aspect is enhanced by a very modern looking funky dispenser that gives the soap with very little effort. The ad will be humorous and the models will maintain her good looks no matter what even if an accident happens: like her hat is taken off by the fan. Tell me how I rate by sending your score from one to ten to

V38 The Marketing Plan by Jay Conrad Levinson

So far this is what I have come up with: Art Fabian Company Marketing Plan 07/05/2016 1.     The Purpose of the marketing plan the physical action you want your prospect to take, such as clicking to a Web Site, visiting your store, clipping a coupon, calling a toll-free number, looking for your product when shopping, taking a test drive, asking the doctor about your product . 2.     How we will achieve this plan (competitive advantage and benefits) 3.     Your target market—or markets. ·     colllectors that use art as status symbols ·      Millionaires who enjoy having their ideas artistically presented. ·     Th ose who believe connecting  with millionaires will give them financial/social advantages ·      Collectors who want their art to display  their connectedness to the wealthy 4.   ...