December 25, 2015 Concentrating on Organizing Since we are experiencing a downturn for the company in regards to profits it might be a good time to organize. I am taking inspiration from the city. Since Montreal has less people coming in since business is quiet the city is taking advantage to do much needed repairs. And so Art Fabian Company is going through major improvements in the filing system. There will be the ongoing work online but also we have new files and the whole paper system is being redone. The company policy of depapering continues as it has been proceeding in the autumn quarterly. We are keeping only Art produced by Art Company itself. All of the other Art Fabian Collections are going. It is with much regret we have had to get rid of some excellent work by other artists. Luckily we have been scanning the work so we have an online record of the work. We are in the process of finding out which system works best with regards to ...
The Ongoing Work on Valuable Gallery.